Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Will Julie Lucas Appeal?

Haven't heard anything about this, but one wonders whether Julie Lucas will appeal further from the ruling, discussed here, rejecting her attack upon the convention nominating Faisal Gill to carry the GOP nomination to succeed Michele McQuigg in the House of Delegates.

As I've said here and elsewhere, the ruling seems to me to be unassailable. It highlights the rather embarrassing fact that Lucas failed to do that which is necessary to perfect an appeal, as well as rejecting her complaints on the merits. None of the commentary about the decision amounts to more than an ad hominem attack on Tom Kopko, who is a committee of one constituting the 51st District Legislative Committee. He issued his opinion one week ago today.

Lucas has thirty days to file her appeal, per the State Party Plan. Given that one of the many complaints leveled against Kopko was the length of time that he took to make his decision, one wonders whether it's safe to conclude that her failure to appeal means that she has determined to accept her defeat and rightly focus her energies on retaining her School Board seat.

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